Thursday, February 11, 2010

I went to a nail salon asked the tech if she could use a callus blade?

she explained it was illegal,because of infections.

What confuses me is that I know someone that just got a tattoo in thier mouth and that is legal.

I know It's two totally different cases .But it seems tattoos in the mouth would be worst.How does the health department determine what can be legal or not ,(when it was legal)The nail tech used brand new blades never touched by anyone eles,but yet tattoo tools are used on many clients you just hope that they are sterlized.Also the mouth is very dirty lots of germs .Seems like a tattoo would be high prone to infection.Being inside of the mouth.I went to a nail salon asked the tech if she could use a callus blade?
Nail technicians are nit M.D.'s. Thus, we are not allowed - by law, to cut living tissue. This includes the use of a 'credo' blade. This is illegal to do in most states. Some of the cheapo salons will do it for you, but not a reputable salon. A tech could lose her license for doing something like this. Let's put it this way. You don't go to a doctor and ask him/her to do something illegal, do you? I didn't think so So, the same applies here. If it's illegal, then it should not be done. Whether you want them to do it or not is irrelevant. Just my opinion...I went to a nail salon asked the tech if she could use a callus blade?
the reason is that with a blade (callous remover) you can potentially take off to much skin and that could cause major problems. i have seen it happen. you can actually buy them at the store and do it yourself or get a foot file and use it daily maybe twice daily and that would help a lot. depending on the work you do the callous might be there for a reason though.
Getting a tattoo does not require cutting skin. when you cut skin it is considered ';surgery'; this makes it illegal for nail techs to cut the callous off your feet. As much as i loved it, it makes sense not to have a non surgeon cutting skin off my feet.

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